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About Me

I was born into a large Sicilian family in the oldest Seaport in the country. I was raised with very small town conservative values on an island and until I was 29, didn’t realize that there was more to life than what I was taught. With both my Grandfathers being fishermen and my parents working blue collar jobs, money was always tight. I learned how to be very frugal and to keep things simple. I have continued with those thoughts through out my life. 


When I moved to Florida, I began to see that not everyone thought the way that I did and not everyone was raised as I was. There was so much to learn! 

While living in Florida, I started to show signs of getting sick. I was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy, somehow developed 5 herniated disks, TMJ, Fibromyalgia, and quite a few other “diseases”. While back and forth to the doctors for all of these ailments, I became pregnant with my twins. I then developed stroke level blood pressure, postpartum cardiomyopathy, gestational diabetes. I was told not to worry, that I would get better. 


I didn’t get better. I got worse. My skin would break out in huge patches of itchy dry skin, my hair was falling out in clumps, and my back was getting worse. The doctors kept on changing my medications and told me that “this is all we can do for you”


My husband and I decided to move our family to North Carolina for a job opportunity. My health continued to deteriorate. There were days that I was convinced I was going to die that day. There were days that I could not get out of bed. I couldn’t go to the grocery store for even a gallon of milk without help. My life sucked. 


In 2009, I met someone that would change my life. I met Steve Wallach. The son of the Nobel Prize winner and world renown Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Joel Wallach. 


Steve started to talk to me about natural healing, but honestly, I really didn’t want to hear it. I was under the care of Doctors and went through all the tests.


The doctors gave me tons of medications and I knew that there was no hope for me to heal or even to be the mom I wanted to be for my four children. 

I had one of my common “episodes” while at a conference that Steve happened to be attending. Swelling to the point I couldn’t even wear earrings, rapid heart beat, sweating, spots in front of my eyes.. all the things that were “normal” to me. I was completely out of my anti-inflammatories and pain pills, so I asked Steve if he had anything. He did. He told me it was all natural. While I had no hope that it would actually work, I thanked him and took it. Not even an hour later, my swelling was almost completely gone, as was the pain. 


This was a turning point in my life that I will be forever grateful for. 


I began studying what Steve was advocating and what his father was teaching. To be honest, I was trying to prove them both wrong. 


I started on the supplement program that they recommended and kept researching on scientific sites such as


Within 3 months, I was off my meds and feeling healthier than I ever had. 


I continued to study and learn. I started getting rid of the chemicals in my home. I saw what the effects of getting rid of “the bad” was having on my health, and I wanted that for my whole family. 

It was about this time that I started using essential oils. I used them however I wanted and was amazed that pain seemed to go away with some Peppermint, that small infections were taken care of with Tea Tree and Relaxation was close at hand with Lavender.

Everything with oils was going great until someone said to me “you can’t do that, you are going to hurt your kids”…. Wait?!?! What???


How is that even possible???


I started to do more research (who knew that there were so many essential oils groups) and read everything. I found people who said “You can absolutely do that” and then others who said “Nope, that isn’t safe.” I wrote down the names of the people replying about safety and looked them all up. I found their backgrounds and their education levels. If they were using references, I started listening to them. 


I decided that I needed classes and found Leiann King. She was starting a school and the school was a REALLY good price being new. So, I signed up to become a Certified Aromatherapist even though I didn’t know what that meant. 


I began to learn true science-based information given by people such as Robert Tisserand, Salvatore Battaglia, Dr. Robert Pappas. I learned about organizations such as NAHA and AAI. I questioned everything and bugged the heck out of everyone I could. I wanted to know it all. I relied on people such as Kent King, Li Wong, and Susan Parker to take my education even further. Learning as much as I could about health, I relied on people such as Dr. Joel Wallach BS DVM ND and Peter J Glidden, ND  as well as Dr. Gerhard Schrauzer PhD , Dr. Stan Frager, MD, PhD, Sanjeev Javia, Drew Pearson, Richard Renton BS, Dr. Ma Lan MD, MS.


I love learning that combining essential oils with the right carriers and the right nutrition made huge improvements in my life and those around me. 


I became a NAHA Certified Level 2 Aromatherapist, a Certified Wholistic Health Coach, and a Certified Aromatic Iridologist. 

In the past 10 years of working with nutrition and essential oils, I found a passion. Learning and teaching.  I want to help everyone I can to not be hopeless with their health. I want to support everyone I can in gaining a happier and healthier life. 

Right now, I am still taking classes and learning as much as I can. Learning about resins, the chemistry behind butters and carrier oils as well continuing my education on essential oils and how nutrition helps to heal the body. 


I plan on becoming certified in Animal Aromatherapy. Even though I have taken countless classes in all of these topics, I will never be done with helping people or learning more. 

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